A Company Page allows you to act on RemoteHub on behalf of a company which you represent. This is especially important for posting jobs or volunteer projects on RemoteHub. Only companies can post full time, part time, contract, and internship jobs. And only nonprofit organizations can post volunteer projects.
You can post jobs either for a direct hire by your company or when you represent a recruitment agency and post open job vacancies for your clients. In the latter case, please create a company page for your agency and post jobs from this page.
There are two types of company pages on RemoteHub:
- Business (for-profit corporations, including business companies and recruitment agencies)
- Nonprofit Organization (tax-exempt organizations, including charities and educational institutions).
To create a page for your company:
1. Go to Create Company Page
You can also locate the Create Company Page link in the Hire Talent dropdown in the header
Please note: You can create several company pages on RemoteHub. If you already have a company page and want to create another one, switch to your user account first.
→ See Switching between accounts for additional details.
2. Select your company type: Business or Nonprofit
3. Start from your company name and industry.
4. Choose your company username, which will become a part of your page URL on RemoteHub. By default, our system will use your company name as the username (unless this username is already taken), but you can edit it at any time before and after creating the page.
5. Add your company logo to help users and job seekers identify your company among others.
7. Add a link to your company website.
8. Add a short description or slogan of your company (up to 140 characters).
9. Click a checkbox, confirming that you're an authorized representative of this company and have the right to act on its behalf in the creation and management of this page.
10. Finally, click the Create Company Page button, and your page will be created. You will be able to add more information about your company after that.
→ For additional information and best practices, go to Best practices for building a Company Page